Royal » Stellantis & You


Digital Consulting
Market Research
Creation of landings and campaign sites
Web design and development
CRM integration
Integrated on and off measurement system
Programmatic buying
Google Ads
Social Ads

Stellantis & You, digital strategies for physical multi-brand retailing



Stellantis & You is the leading car distributor in Spain for the Peugeot, Citroën, DS and Opel brands. They have more than 40 sales and repair points, in addition to their leasing service, Free2Move, and the second-hand vehicle division, Spoticar. The automotive sector today has a Customer Journey that necessarily combines digital and face-to-face actions. It is essential that each action is designed to influence the conversion funnel.

Since 2018, we are proud to be your digital partner and develop different actions to attract customers from digital channels to the physical sales channel. A global service attending to the particularities of each of the brands they distribute, with their different positioning and target audiences, different conversion drivers and motivations to purchase.

Our Solutions

To promote multichannel digital acquisition, these are some of the services we deploy for Stellantis & You:

/ 01 Digital consultancy.

The complexity of tackling a global strategy and a complicated campaign structure for each brand made us work hard to understand the behaviour of potential customers. We carried out in-depth market research to understand the buying process and obtain insights that would allow us to define an optimal starting point for the campaigns.

/ 02 Digital reputation.

For a business with a large network of physical outlets, digital reputation management is crucial. Branding impacts translate into local searches, where reputation makes the difference. We managed the outlets' digital presence from Google My Business with engaging content, relevant information and user care to highlight the PSA Group's branded service excellence. The rating increased by more than one point on average.

/ 03 Paid Media.

One of the most complex investment, message, format and channel planning exercises we have ever faced. The continuous search for new audiences, segmentations, locations, channels, devices or bidding strategies is a daily challenge for which we rely on our scientific method combined with creativity.

/ 04 Content creation.

Our digital content team works hard every day to generate excitement in the target audiences of each brand. Aligned with the branding guide lines of each brand and with the group's strategy in Spain. Multiple variables that we have successfully exploited and continue to optimise continuously.

/ 05 Design and web development.

Landing pages and campaign sites are the decisive point in the Customer Journey, where the customer makes the decision to initiate a valuation or purchase process. Our digital design team has been pampering the User Experience in effective proposals for generating leads and visits to the point of sale. The technology development team has also integrated campaign data with the company's CRM to automate the exploitation of opportunities.

/ 06 Advanced analytics.

Our team of analysts is key to the optimisation of campaigns. From the analysis of KPIs to the details per campaign, including the definition of attribution or controlling the overlap of audiences and feedback between proposals. Our obsession with measuring and analysing has led us to be able to record visits to physical points of sale, even when a lead has not been generated.

/ 07 Highlights


Increased web traffic sessions


Average target achievement per brand in Lead Generation


Improvement in average dealer rating points

/ Approaches

The Stellantis & You team are true masters at managing multi-brand marketing with global objectives. Working with them we continue to learn from their vision to improve every day.

Thanks to Stellantis & You we have reaffirmed the importance of a trusting relationship between client and agency. Achieving results is always more rewarding when the scientific approach is shared by both parties.


¿Qué empresa trata tus datos?

ROYAL PROFIT, S.L., (en adelante, “ROYAL”).

¿Por qué tratamos los datos que te pedimos?

  1. Gestionar correctamente las solicitudes que realices mediante la Plataforma
  2. Atender a tus solicitudes de información, quejas, reclamaciones o asistencia técnica
  3. Cumplimiento de obligaciones legales
  4. Gestionar tu candidatura en el marco de los procesos de selección personal. + info

¿Cuál es la legitimación para este tratamiento de tus datos?

  1. Ejecución del contrato y/o medidas precontractuales para llevar a cabo la prestación de los servicios que se hayan solicitado a través de la Plataforma
  2. Ejecución del contrato y/o medidas precontractuales
  3. Cumplimiento de una obligación legal
  4. la base de legitimación utilizada es el consentimiento
  5. Ejecución de medidas precontractuales + info

¿Cuáles son mis derechos?

El interesado tiene derecho a ejercitar su derecho de:

  1. Acceso
  2. Rectificación
  3. Supresión
  4. Oposición
  5. Portabilidad de los Datos
  6. Limitación del Tratamiento
  7. No ser objeto de decisiones automatizadas individualizadas + info

¿Tienes dudas?

Tanto si tienes alguna duda o sugerencia como si quieres darte de baja ponte en contacto con nosotros enviando un email a la siguiente dirección: +info