Royal » Bluespace


Digital Consulting
Website creation
CRM integration
Paid Media
Measurement and reporting system

Bluespace, international recruitment with a local flavour

/ 01 Digital business consultancy.

Based on the study of the audiences and the different Customer Journeys of each service and each target audience, we design the global strategy taking into account local conversion drivers, contexts and cultural particularities.

/ 02 Effective media buying.

We plan media buying combining positioning and digital performance objectives: traffic generation and qualified lead acquisition. An exercise based on insights from the audience study and analysis of the purchase funnel, to properly balance the impacts by context of use and generate a cross device Paid Media strategy worthy of mention as a finalist in the Mobile Innovation category of the Google Premier Partner Awards in EMEA.

/ 03 Web page creation.

We have designed and developed Bluespace sites for Spain, France and Portugal. Maintaining brand consistency, adapting messages to the local market and applying good UX practices aimed at conversion. Each page fulfils its function in the conversion funnel and maintains its attractiveness on mobile.

/ 04 Full integration with CRM.

A fundamental part of the strategy is that all input from a direct recruitment campaign is collected in the Bluespace CRM to be processed and exploited. Personalised automation is vital to develop targeted, wide-ranging actions.

/ 05 Advanced analytics.

The sheer volume of data from different sources makes a measurement and reporting system that facilitates scalable decision making, capable of keeping pace with the company's expansion breadth, indispensable.

/ 07 Highlights

Nº 1

Over the years, Bluespace has remained a benchmark in its segment.


Full integration of campaigns with CRM.

Finalists in the Google Premier Partner Awards EMEA, Mobile Innovation category.

/ Approaches

Together with the Bluespace team we have learned that well-planned and continuously optimised campaigns maximise results when done for a company that takes customer experience to the extreme. It’s a pleasure to engage customers knowing that they will be treated as they deserve.

Working with Bluespace we have gained wonderful insights into the cultural and sociological contexts that differentiate Spain, Portugal and France when it comes to contracting self-storage services. A journey of knowledge that we started years ago and from which we continue to learn every day.


¿Qué empresa trata tus datos?

ROYAL PROFIT, S.L., (en adelante, “ROYAL”).

¿Por qué tratamos los datos que te pedimos?

  1. Gestionar correctamente las solicitudes que realices mediante la Plataforma
  2. Atender a tus solicitudes de información, quejas, reclamaciones o asistencia técnica
  3. Cumplimiento de obligaciones legales
  4. Gestionar tu candidatura en el marco de los procesos de selección personal. + info

¿Cuál es la legitimación para este tratamiento de tus datos?

  1. Ejecución del contrato y/o medidas precontractuales para llevar a cabo la prestación de los servicios que se hayan solicitado a través de la Plataforma
  2. Ejecución del contrato y/o medidas precontractuales
  3. Cumplimiento de una obligación legal
  4. la base de legitimación utilizada es el consentimiento
  5. Ejecución de medidas precontractuales + info

¿Cuáles son mis derechos?

El interesado tiene derecho a ejercitar su derecho de:

  1. Acceso
  2. Rectificación
  3. Supresión
  4. Oposición
  5. Portabilidad de los Datos
  6. Limitación del Tratamiento
  7. No ser objeto de decisiones automatizadas individualizadas + info

¿Tienes dudas?

Tanto si tienes alguna duda o sugerencia como si quieres darte de baja ponte en contacto con nosotros enviando un email a la siguiente dirección: +info