Royal » KIA Motors


Creation of the KIA Colombia corporate website
Creation of the 3D vehicle configurator
Creation of the “sales help” system for workshop customer loyalty.
Creation of the “Confirmeza” vehicle financing platform.

KIA, personalizing experiences as a recruitment strategy

/ 01 Digital consultancy.

A joint work of our teams in Colombia and Spain, analysing the purchase process in LATAM and studying the local and global keys to brand positioning in the automotive sector. We obtained valuable insights that we apply to the projects we develop.

/ 02 User Experience and CRO.

Integrating the UX and CRO team is crucial in proposals where user interaction is key. Among the strategies we implemented were the 3D vehicle configurator, aimed at potential customers and the sales team, a gamified system for customers and employees aimed at boosting the loyalty of workshop customers, and the creation of the vehicle financing platform with an interactive simulator.

/ 03 Technological development.

When tackling an innovative digital project, it is important to reduce uncertainty in all possible aspects. Our team is a guarantee for the stability of platforms designed to support high volumes of simultaneous traffic, 3D image rendering and, of course, preserving the security of user data.

/ 04 Generation of highly qualified leads.

Through the different digital proposals, balancing each interaction between providing value to the user and conversion for the business, we achieve magnificent results by converting visits into leads for the sales team.

/ 05 CRM integration.

We developed an integration system with KIA's CRM so that the marketing and sales team had all the information in an automated way and only had to concentrate on making the most of each lead.

/ 07 Highlights

Nº 1

KIA leads digital transformation trends in its sector in Colombia


Growth in online customer acquisition


KIA improves its position in LATAM market rankings

/ Approaches

Thanks to the opportunity to work for KIA in Colombia we were able to learn more about the importance of balancing the localisation of the proposals with the transmission of the brand’s global messages.

Something that has stayed with us forever from working with KIA is the energy to dare to try new things. The automotive industry, and KIA Motors as one of its leaders, inspired us to try to do our bit in creating the future.


¿Qué empresa trata tus datos?

ROYAL PROFIT, S.L., (en adelante, “ROYAL”).

¿Por qué tratamos los datos que te pedimos?

  1. Gestionar correctamente las solicitudes que realices mediante la Plataforma
  2. Atender a tus solicitudes de información, quejas, reclamaciones o asistencia técnica
  3. Cumplimiento de obligaciones legales
  4. Gestionar tu candidatura en el marco de los procesos de selección personal. + info

¿Cuál es la legitimación para este tratamiento de tus datos?

  1. Ejecución del contrato y/o medidas precontractuales para llevar a cabo la prestación de los servicios que se hayan solicitado a través de la Plataforma
  2. Ejecución del contrato y/o medidas precontractuales
  3. Cumplimiento de una obligación legal
  4. la base de legitimación utilizada es el consentimiento
  5. Ejecución de medidas precontractuales + info

¿Cuáles son mis derechos?

El interesado tiene derecho a ejercitar su derecho de:

  1. Acceso
  2. Rectificación
  3. Supresión
  4. Oposición
  5. Portabilidad de los Datos
  6. Limitación del Tratamiento
  7. No ser objeto de decisiones automatizadas individualizadas + info

¿Tienes dudas?

Tanto si tienes alguna duda o sugerencia como si quieres darte de baja ponte en contacto con nosotros enviando un email a la siguiente dirección: +info